- Institute of Museum and Library Services
Institute of Museum and Library Services (AKA IMLS) is an independent federal agency that provides library grants, museum grants, policy development, and research. You can learn more about the Institute of Museum and Library services at the IMLS website
- Kansas Library Express
Kansas Library Express (AKA KLE) is the courier system that ships materials between member libraries in Kansas. KLE also allows libraries to ship materials to couriers on the Blue Sky courier system in Colorado and Trans Amigos in other states. Northeast Kansas Library System administers the courier system. For more information see the KLE website
KICNET (AKA -K-ansas -I-nterlibrary loan -C-ouncil -NET-work) is the statewide interlibrary loan network. KICNET uses the ShareIt software by AutoGraphics to manage interlibrary loans througout the state of Kansas. For more information see the Kansas State Library’s ILL website
- Northeast Kansas Library System
Northeast Kansas Library System (AKA NEKLS) is one of seven regional library systems in Kansas. You can learn more about the Kansas regional library systems at the State Library of Kansas page on regional library systems
OCLC (originally -O-hio -C-ollege -L-ibrary -C-enter; later -O-nline -C-omputer -L-ibrary -C-enter; now officially -OCLC, Inc.-) is a non-profit cooperative library technology organization. OCLC is best known worldwide for maintaining the Dewey Decimal Classification standard; and for operating WorldCat. For more information see the OCLC website
- State Library of Kansas
The State Library of Kansas (AKA SLK) acts as the library for the governmental offices of Kansas and helps provide library services to all residents of the state of Kansas. You can learn more about the State Library of Kansas at the State Library of Kansas website
Software, languages, and outside services:
- Integrated library system
Library management system
Integrated library management system
A software system that, at a minumum, integrates a library’s bibliographic catalog and it’s borrower records in order to manage circulaiton. Integrated library systems may also include components or modules that help manage acquisitions, serials, requests, authorities, public access catalogs; and other components to help automate and computerize library services.
- Koha
Koha is the name of the open source integrated library system software used by Next Search Catalog. You can learn more about Koha at the Koha Community website
(-AKA Agent-)
The software system used to manage the statewide ILL service.- SIP
Standard Interchange Protocol - A protocol for sending messages between an ILS and third party software. SIP was originally developed by 3M in the 1980s.
- SIP2
Standard Interchange Protocol, version 2 - A protocol for sending messages between an ILS and third party software. An update to the original SIP protocol developed by 3M in the 1980s.
Abbreviation for Amazon Standard Identification Number
Abbreviation for European Article Number
Abbreviation for Global Trade Item Number
Abbreviation for Integrated library system
Abbreviation for Integrated library management system
Abbreviation for Institute of Museum and Library Services
Abbreviation for International Standard Book Number
Abbreviation for International Standard Serial Number
Abbreviation for Library management system
Abbreviation for Kansas Library Express
Abbreviation for Northeast Kansas Library System
Abbreviation for Stock Keeping Unit
Abbreviation for State Library of Kansas
Abbreviation for Target Catalog Identification Number
Abbreviation for Universal Product Code