November 2023 - Default messaging preferences bug

This bug only occurs when you create a new borrower AND you try to un-check all of the default messaging preferences. Once the borrower has been created, the messaging preferences can be removed, but only after the borrower has been created.

This is Koha bug 26250 and has existed since at least 2020. The circumstances to re-create the bug are unusual, though, so no one in our system reported it until 2023.

Steps to re-create the bug

  1. Follow the normal steps to create a new borrower:

    1. Click on “Patrons”
    2. Click on “New patron” and choose a borrower category
    3. Fill out the new patron form as normal
    4. Scroll to the “Patron messaging preferences” section at the bottom of the page
  2. Note that several of the messaging preferences in this section are checked by default

    Default preferences highlighted on screen

  3. Un-check ALL of the messaging preferences and then click on “Save”

    (this bug only occurs when you un-check ALL of the checkboxes)

    All default preferences un-checked and pointer to "Save" button

  4. On the borrower’s details page, note that the messaging preferences have all re-set back to their default settings

    Failure for un-checked preferences to save highlighted on screen

Steps to work-around the bug

  1. After creating the borrower, click on “Edit”

    Work-around bug 26520 - step 1 highlighted

  2. Un-check ALL of the messaging preference checkboxes

    All default preferences un-checked and pointer to "Save" button

  3. Click on “Save” and note that all of the messaging preferences are now un-checked

    Preferences are finally saved on final step of work-around

Koha bug 26520 video

Go directly to the Video on YouTube