.. include:: /include.rst *********************************************** How to copy a bibliographic record using Z39.50 *********************************************** **Don't forget to search for a title first** *before* **you bring in a new record via Z39.50** Please refer to the serching instructions :ref:`here ` for more information. Searching Z39.50 ================ A. Select "Home > More > Cataloging" |search_for_existing_0010| B. Click on the "New from Z39.50" button |z39_50_0020| C. Enter the :term:`ISBN` number or :term:`UPC` number from the item you are searching for and click "Search" - NOTE: The ISBN number is ususally embedded in the UPC, so scanning the UPC on a book usually populates the ISBN - however, the official ISBN for a book is usually found on the back of the book's title page - NOTE: Self-published titles often do not include an ISBN |z39_50_0030| D. If you do not get any results, you should try searching again by author or title |z39_50_0040| E. If you find a match, click on the action button on the right and choose "MARC" or "Card" to pre-view the record and make sure that the record is a good match - NOTE: Generally speaking, the more data you see in the "Card" preview, the better the record |z39_50_0050| F. If you find a match and the top results are highlighted in yellow and the server name is "#NEXT SEARCH CATALOG" it means that we already have a bibliographic record in the catalog that matches your search terms - If this happens, please double check and make sure that the record already in Next does not match the record you're trying to add |z39_50_0055| F. If you do find a matching record you want to add to Next, click on "Import" to add the record to our catalog |z39_50_0060| G. Once the record has been imported you can make changes to the MARC record as necessary and then click the "Save" button to finalize the import. - Specifically, you must update the record's 942$e, 942$c, and 942$h |z39_50_0070| - If the item does not have a 040$d and you do not know the OCLC code for your library, please input "cz5" (the NEKLS OCLC code - it's OK, it works just fine for our purposes) |z39_50_0080| H. After the bibliographic record has been saved, you will be redirected to the add items page so you can add your items to the new record. |z39_50_0090| No results found in Z39.50 after first attempt ============================================== If you don't find any items via a Z39.50 it is not a bad idea to repeat the search a couple of different ways. - You can re-do the search using different data. |z39_50_0040| - You can select different catalogs to search in (not all catalogs are searched by default). |z39_50_0110| No results found in Z39.50 after several attempts ================================================= If no search returns a result in Z39.50, you should move on to :doc:`searching for the item in ShareIt `