.. include:: /include.rst Brief record cataloging ======================= If you can’t find a record already in Next Search Catalog, or a record via Z39.50, or a record in Shareit, or a record from another source, you may need to create an original catalog record. A. Go to Cataloging |brief_record_cataloging_0010| B. Choose New Record --> Brief Records |brief_record_cataloging_0020| C. Fill in the following fields accordingly, if applicable: - 000 -- Leader - click in this field and let it autofill (required) - 008 -- Fixed length data elements - click in this field and let it autofill (required) - 020 or 024 - 020 -- ISBN number if the item has one (books) - 024 -- UPC code if the item doesn't have an ISBN (DVDs, Blu-ray discs, music CDs) - 100 -- Author (if applicable) - 245 -- Title (required) - 250 -- edition (if applicable) - 264 -- Publication information - a - place - b - publisher - c - year (most important piece of information here) - 300 -- physical description. Please at least record the number of pages, number of discs. - 490 -- series statement (if applicable) - a - series name - v - volume number - 500 – add note if applicable - 942 Koha elements - e - shelving location (required) - c - item type (required) - h - collection code (required) |brief_record_cataloging_0030| D. Once bibliographic records have been added, see :doc:`the instructions for adding items to records to continue ` (Please note that if a bibliograhic record does not have an item added to it within 14 days, the bibliographic record will automatically be deleted)