3 OPAC Changes

Library information

The way that library information is displayed has changed:


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Star ratings

Patrons will now be able to add “Star” ratings to titles in the OPAC:





In addition to on the details page, they can add ratings from their current checkouts:


And from their circulation history:


Reports can be generated on star ratings - no reports have yet been written.

Purchase suggestion limits

When a borrower places a purchase suggestion there are now two available limts:

  1. Maximum number of suggestions (Will start with a default of 100 - NEKLS will work specifically with BONNERSPGS and LEAVENWRTH to figure out a good limit)

This is a global system preference that limits borrowers to X open suggestions

  1. A Maximum number of suggestions submitted in a time period (will start with a default of 30 request / 30 days - NEKLS will work specifically with BONNERSPGS and LEAVENWRTH to come up with a good setting)

If a borrower places more than the allowed purchase suggestions they will get this error message:


If a borrower places more than the allowed purchase suggestions in for a specific time frame, they will get this error message


Video on this topic:

Watch a YouTube video about reporting a page problem.