2022.01.28 - Agenda and notes ============================= 2022.01.27 - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. |ss| NEKLS office |se| + **meeting changed to online only** |br| `Zoom link `_ |br| Zoom passcode 7858384090 |br| No recording of this meeting will be made |br| 1. Announcements, news, brief items, etc. - Introductions - Additions to the agenda 2. Changes to passwords for "System login only" and "Library associate (exempt)" - Any "System login only" or "Library associate (exempt)" must meet these criteria: - New passwords must be between 14 and 89 characters long - 1 capital letter - 1 small letter - 1 numeral [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] - Passwords *may* contains spaces and punctuation - This only affects passwords that are changed after January 16, 2022 - Directors can log in with their BRANCH_DIRECTOR account and update these passwords see `this YouTube video `_ or `this PDF `_ for more information - A link to both of these documents is in a message on each director account 3. Upgrade problem 1 - Printing problems - This is a Firefox problem - not a Koha problem - Fix is at `this link `_ - Greg and George can also remote in to perform this fix 4. Upgrade problem 2 - Placing multiple requests in the staff client .. Two libraries have reported this problem 5. Upgrade problem 3 - Item level requests .. Sort of patched - be aware 6. 2021 statistics - changes - plans for 2022 - Errors in the SQL for reports from past years were discovered - some things were double-counted - The reports that were used this year are: - 2866, 2867, 2868, 3018 - Circulation data was collected using the monthly reports 7. Changes to item types and item type codes - ongoing - IMLS wants separate statistics for realia at the end of the year - The easiest way to incorporate this change is by altering item type codes - some item type names also changed 8. Changes to item types - bibliographic frameworks - The list of available item types on the bibliographic frameworks has also changed - "Temporary" item types were removed 9. Best practice - What to do when an item is returned with "No barcode found" message - History of the problem - those darned Koha developers - What's being done - koha-US is funding an enhancement that will fix the problem - What to do in the meantime - Double check to make sure the item really is "No barcode found" - Run report 3009 - this report has been substantially updated - Does your library policy say anything on the subject? 10. New feature to be turned on after configuration - Hold waiting reminder - Koha can now send a "You still have a hold waiting" message X days after the item has been put on the hold shelf - Follows the same sending rules as the "Hold arrived" notices - These notices need to be set up and configured before we turn this feature on 11. Next meetings in 2022 - January 27 (Thursday 10:00 a.m.) - online only - April 28 (Thursday 10:00 a.m.) - online only - August 30 (Tuesday 10:00 a.m.) - NEKLS office / online - November 17 (Thursday 10:00 a.m.) - Leavenworth Public Library / online .. |ss| raw:: html .. |se| raw:: html .. |br| raw:: html